Shelli Howlett, Founder and CEO

Shelli Howlett is the Founder and CEO of Strategic Scaling, a consulting company focused on growing mid-market companies. Shelli has a team of experienced coaches she guides that implement the SUMMi7 Business Scaling Method and other proven methodologies such as Scrum Master TM and Leadership skills. Shelli and her team work diligently to provide one-to-one coaching, workshops, and monthly mastermind sessions to help small businesses thrive, primarily on the Business Scaling Method. What makes Strategic Scaling different is that they have a passion for implementing strategy.

Mary Bell, Chief Development Officer

Mary is a seasoned professional with extensive experience in commercial lending and business development. Throughout her career, she has successfully cultivated and nurtured relationships with clients, helping them secure financing solutions tailored to their unique needs. She has a deep understanding of market trends and a strong analytical mindset. She helps with Strategic Scaling onboard clients with the Mastermind Sessions and other services.

Sahithi Alla, Intern

Sahithi Alla has skills in Biomedical Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin. With expertise in project management, digital technology, and marketing, she helps implement leading-edge artificial intelligence processes and manages email and social media channels.

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